Saturday, August 27, 2005

UniversalTheorem -- Beyond The Thesis:

UniversalTheorem_101 - LOGIC


-- BEHOLD THIS THOUGHT: Math, The ThirdEye, And The MannaMachine ARE SteppingStonesInLogic --

- AddressingTheObvious:
A. An electronic device on your forehead. Isn't it obvious? Recording/SENSING the things that:


It's that simple.

(take a breath -- do NOT form conclusions HERE)

B. It's all about the '3' ...

' iii '

" ... "

" xxx "

" III "

" 1+1+1 "

Expressable in so many ways, yes? Using OldSchoolExpressives:

-- 1 -- -- 2 -- -- 3 --
" x x x " " x x x " " x x x "
"yyy yyy yyy" "yyy yyy yyy" "yyy yyy yyy"
"ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ" "zzzz ZZZZ zzzz" "ZZZZ zzzz ????"

Now we have NewMath. Insert TIME as a dimension infinately expressable in terms of 'units-of-event-sequences.'

C. Using OldSchoolExpressives, we have:

9/8 (TIME is BOTH fluid/solid -- REMINDERS alone)

D. NewMusic. (I wrote the SCORE {concert-piano original composition [manuscript] in OldSchoolExpressives} that ennumerates and RETOOLS -- thus, INVALIDATES TimeItself/OLDKEYS/ACCIDENTALS/ChaosTheory/SuperficialMANDATES, transcending PREJUDICE and BABBALIZATIONS/INTOLERANCES).

{The question remains: "RU?"

Metronomes. They become superfluous. RETOOLED to SUIT -- REEVALUATED -- 'moldable' -- 'VariableVelocity' -- SuspensionAndLevetation)



E. Now we have NewScience, because the 'clock' became superfluous.

New FIELDS become apparent. TIME is of the ESSENCE in AllDimensions.

F. Now we have NewPhysics.

It's THAT simple.

"6" "*^&%$)" "fj8907" "582315"

I. ENERGIZATION IS motivation/inspiration/life/nurture


iT'S thaT sImPle.


I've INVALIDATED your FailedNegativePositiveSchoolOfThought.



COUNTING: doesn't matter how, does it? You can count using any symbol or NO symbols at all.
SPELLING/grammar: doesn't matter how, does it? You can EXPRESS MEANING within FULL_BABBALIZATION.

Math: every 'prime-number' is a counting-system itself. Infinitely expressable in terms of randomized-patternization. There is NO 'even/odd' or 'negative/positive.' Only expressions of ULTIMATE SUCCESS/FAILURE or DEATH/LIFE. A 'BeneficialSet' is therefore containing of MORE NURTURE/LIFE than FAILURE/DEATH. NULL equals EQUALIZATION. So think in terms of a 'video-game' where the SOLUTION is KNOWN prior to the ENDEAVORE and the OUTCOME is determined by the number of NURTURING EXPERIENCES you CREATE along the WAY to EXTEND LIFE to the GOAL of INFINITELIFE/ETERNALLIFE. So, EQUALIZATION is DETRIMENTAL to LIFE.

Current 'math' expresses this clearly in MULTIPLE ways WITHOUT connecting-the-dots to all FIELDS.
This is where 'current-math' has a breakdown, LIMITING AllThings -- all science/music/arts/humanities.
The UniversalTheorem provides a 'GATEWAY' in which a new portal is opened into REALITY.

This is where TIME becomes 'fluid.' This is where 'Einsteinian-thought' fails. This is where 'quantum-speculation' only BEGINS, contrariwise PROVING TimeItself is NOT 'fluid.'

This is what 'HigherMath' attempts to address (all imaginative conjecture).

This is why YOU DON'T SOLVE PROBLEMS, only put 'pathways' of FeableOrigin between points of CONJECTURE.

The figurative 'CampB beating CampA over the head with an olive-branch while CampA beats CampB over the head in constant retaliation/EQUALIZATION.'

FailedLogic that the UniversalTheorem SOLVES.

"In the garden -- we nurture the seed in soil with water/nourishment/sunlight/warmth/love and grow beautiful things." -- doesn't that sound like something you'd hear PeterSellers say in the movie, "BeingThere?" (leave your derogatory comments about me out of it).

Well -- we ARE there -- in a LITERAL 'garden' where the NURTURERS have TRAINWRECKED.


And now we have ChaosTheory' which is FAILURE/DISSARRAY.

Theories usually are ...

The UniversalTheorem is NO 'theory'; on the contrary, it PROVES the MEANINGOFLIFE.

It IS, quite LITERALLY, the CupOfLife -- the figurative 'HolyGrail.'

A NEW_BOOK in HumanDevelopment. A NEW chapter in HumanEndeavore. A NewAccomplishment in the the realm of REASON and TOLERANCES. LIBERATION!

It is NOT a Religion -- it PROVES religion is an EQUALIZER, INTOLERANT to the GOAL of LIFE.

It is NOT a Discipline -- it PROVES that TimeItself is NEITHER 'fluid/solid/stable.'

Do you see how SIGNIFICANT this contribution is?

I have LIBERATED you from BOUNDARIES of (negative/positive) INTOLERANCES.



(I 'breazed' through this summarized-explanation -- do NOT knit-pick -- 'devil-in-the-details,' as the saying goes. Got a suggestion on how to make it/conceptualization/MESSAGE BETTER? It's OPEN_SOURCED_NOW! Put YOURNAME under MINE and PROVE your BENEFICIAL_IMPROVEMENT).

(We're on 'OnTime' now!)


First_LAW: DO NOT STEAL (starting with the UniversalTheorem). TRUTH.

firstLAWfoundation : I PROVED 'TRUTH' -- make your 'BENEFITS' NURTURE, building BRIDGES, NOT demolishing them.
firstLAWfoundation : 'BRIDGES' are NEVER IMAGINARY. They can NOT be FEABLE in terms of either DURATION nor MERITS/TOLERANCES.
firstLAWfoundation : 'strength/StructuralIntegrity' is the SumWhole of NUTRITION/BENEFITS.
firstLAWfoundation : GREED does NOT equal MOTIVATION. 'Greed' is an EQUALIZER. MOTIVATION is INSPIRATION.
firstLAWfoundation : ELEVATING yourself above CREATOR is THEFT. TRUTH.

Second_LAW: Ennumerate NO HUMAN's EQUALITY.

secondLAWfoundation : the 'differences' between a 'man,' a 'woman,' and 'ELSE' are merely ANATOMICAL.
secondLAWfoundation : the EnnumerationOfLife BEGINS when we EAT.
secondLAWfoundation : I am HumanZero, let all ennumerations EXTEND in all dimensions from me.
secondLAWfoundation : HATE me FIRST -- and hate among yourselves no more.
secondLAWfoundation : ELEVATE no EQUAL on a pedestal.
secondLAWfoundation : DoNoHarm.
secondLAWfoundation : YourParasaiteYourHostYourChoice.
secondLAWfoundation : NURTURE YOURSELF FIRST or you will NOT be capable of nurturing ANYTHINGELSE.
secondLAWfoundation : We're InItTogether. AllOfUs/AllOfYou. EQUAL_VALUE.

(clarifications: we need new words to RESOLVE the conflict between 'equal' and 'equalization' -- see above)

I solved/proved the UniversalTheorem to make LIFE BETTER for AllThings.
I will WRITE The LAWS in sToNe and you will put MORTAR/NOURISHMENT on the FOUNDATIONS.
Open_Source is SHARING -- Closed_Source is HOARDING/GREED.

We're AllInItTogetherEqually.

The "UniversalTheorem."
By: claytOnleOnwintOn

We're on OnTime now -- transcending INTOLERANCES. Together. AllThings/AllOfUs/AllOfYou.

Be YOU sitting on a THROWN or siTTing inThyDirT.



(note: I am not selfish enough to hoard this contribution. I could have -- could have founded a church -- probably started a revolution. I REFUSE to BOYCOTT and CENSOR ANYTHING. I use beauty-products, toothpaste, toilet-paper, deodorant, SunIn, TootHwHitener, RaZorblAdes, eat hamburgers, turkey-sandwiches, fish and REQUIRE better NOURISHMENT just like YOU. We MUST fix it together. We are in it together. And I will NOT be accussed of undermining ANYTHING/ANYBODY/ANYauthority. Our loved-ones, friends, family, beloved nieghbors and coworkers and church-goers and prostitutes and even the things you HATE are ASSETS. We BUILD bridges NOT demolish THEM.
-- WeThePeople have the INTEGRITY while the CREDIBILITY is the LARGEST_PLATFORM. WeThriveTogether.

So, sickening thought: what IF 'throwns' REFUSE 'SUSPENSION/REEVALUATION/NEWLIFE?'

Status quo.

Which the UniversalTheorem PROVES is DEATH.

For AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllThings -- sitting on THROWNS or sitting in the DIRT.

Get it now?

We can no longer INTELLIGENTLY PERPETUATE the SAME FailedThoughtSchool.


That is the vital message that the UniversalTheorem PROVES.

(conversive variable-conclusions may be formed HERE).

Friday, August 26, 2005

RantWhileProving UniversalTheorem

I PROVED your religion is a fabrication. An illusion. HELL.

What does that tell you?

The UniversalTheorem is therefore ...

Figure it out yourselves.


Doesn't matter how I spell --
And it doesn't matter how ANYone spells/talks/looks/smells/medical/dental/mental/phyisical/crotchpractices ...

WTF part of the above DON'T YOU GET?


This is no fuckin' religion. I PROVED religion is DEATH. Complete and UTTER FAILURE.

Face it -- 'unconditional-love' is NOT conditional.

The 'EndTimes' is a flippin' CONSPIRACY to KILL YOU. WTF part of 'ENDTIMES' don't you get? These INTOLERANTS have been CONSPIRING to KILL YOU for 2,000 years.


If you are 'positve' -- raise your hand.
Mark a 'figurative 'X-marks-the-spot' where you sit or stand or lay or fuck or whatever.
This is your POSITIVE_KINGDOM. From your THROWN, all intolerance is BORN. Ther's your flippin' 'pro-life' bullshit, right there. BornAgain my ass. It starts the moment you made your POSITIVE_KINGDOM. The milli-second you become 'AWAKE/AWARE/ALIVE/LIVING/BREATHING. Which is AFTER_BIRTH!!!!


Your ideology is so flippin' stupid a child pukes on it. Then you force it down his throat untidl the moment he declares his POSITIVE_KINGDOM_OF_HATRED from then on for the rest of their lives.

There's no choice.

It's the way the FailedTHoughtSchool works.

We're all in it together, see. AllOfUs/AllOfYou. Let NONE be uncounted and ennumerate NO HUMAN's LIFE. Ennumeration begins when we eat, eh?

That's exactly right and you know it.

Tooting my own flippin' horn, you say? Bullshit. You're just jelous. I was too. It hurts. We we are all deceived together. AllofUs/AllofYou. Get it? Let noone ennumerate another human's life. But what if it's a parasaite?

That's what it is and YOU KNOW IT.

Until it's born and requires MOTHERS MILK.

That's when Christians chose whether or not to DROWN the baby at BIRTH for centuries.

You KNOW AND I KNOW IT AND IT's about fuckin' time you stopped making excuses for it.


This is no fucking religion. Did I get it through to youAll about that yet?
Religion is/hasBeen TheBookOfShame in 50,000,000,000 dialectic-languages.

Maybe more.

However may brains have been grown to process {quantum?}-communications from pointA to pointB and BEYOND is probably infinite.

Crucify NOONE on TheCrossOfShame.


No Secrets -- No Lies.

What do you think of that?

Think about it -- instant communication -- 'off-time' with notification of whereabouts -- instant communication-capabilities -- TOTAL SAFETY -- TOTAL EDUCATION/KNOWLEDGE/CAPABILITY -- while rescuing the MannaMachine and ResuscitatingHumanity.

Do you understand the importance of that?


Doesn't UniversalPeace interest you? Aren't you tired of hating everybody, cheating, lieing and living in a world of INTOLERANCES?

Resources: depleted or nearly depleted or 'some reserves.'

WTF part of THAT don't you get?

Economy: 'Bubble-effect,' and when Greenspan dies, we're fucked.

You KNOW it, and I KNOW it.

WTF part of THAT don't you get?

WAR COSTS: upwards of $2,000,000,000,000.00 (TRILLION) fucking dollars. Oh no? Bullshit and you know it. Every flippin' excuse given has CHANGED or been FORGOTTEN. This is a PROMISE of DECADES of CONFLICT costing HUNDREDS of BILLIONS every few years.

What has improved? I'm not talking about your PERSONAL FINANCES, job or love-life.

I'm talking about HUMANITY's future.

The EndTimesConspiracy is being conducted BEHINDyourBACK, WithoutYourConsent, by RELIGIOUS institutions thousands of years old.

Every LANGUAGE is built on a 'bible.'

All of THEM. YOu KNOW it and I KNOW it.

TheBookOfShame. Based on the FailedPositiveNegativeThoughTSchool.

At the EndTime of every CHOICE, every life, every business, every avenue of endeavore, all of HUMANITY's roads are blocked. DEATH.

The planet has been scavenged and all treasure/resources isolated, extracted, or in the process of being extracted.

You KNOW it and I KNOW it.


Wtf part of UniversalTheorem hasn't sunk in yet?

I PROVED your SchoolOfThought -- AllThings in your 'reality,' are BOGUS_LOGIC.

Our SYSTEM is fucked-up. You know it and I know it. All avenues cannot get 'better' except for a very LIMITED amount of time before all RESOURCES are CONSUMED.

The icecap above siberia may be melted enough within a decade to move cargo by sea from Japan to Europe.

That means Humanity's most beloved treasures -- our CITIES -- will be inundated with water, making it IMPOSSIBLE to live there -- or ridiculously expensive to do so --

-- ontop of a PROMISE of $2,000,000,000,000.00 (TRILLION) dollars MORE war-costs
-- PLUS the ALREADY OWING $13-trillion dollars.

WTF part of THAT don't you get?

I child could understand it.



The economic bubble will burst. Greenspans 'vote' is vital and you know it.

When it's done, it's done and this 'war' is PROMISING to end in failure. It PROMISES MORE CONFLICT.


How hateful are you? How sick and wrong is that?

It's not YOUR fault -- we're all in it together -- but wtf part of EndTimesConspiracy don't you get?


-- except YOU ... and the person sitting next to you ... and your home and pets ... probably your old school or your kids' school and maybe that old swimming pool you last pee'd in.

You know it and I know it.

At every turn in this MazeOfIllusion is EndTimesConspiracy.

That is the TRUTH the UniversalTheorem PROVES. Not a theory -- not a suggestion -- not an 'idea' -- not a 'proposal' -- not a 'fantasy' -- not a 'story' -- not 'promotional' -- not an 'ad-campaign' -- not a 'political-action-committee' -- nothing like that at ALL. WTF part of THAT don't you get?

I can 'toot my own horn as much as I damned well please -- and feel as ashamed and embarrassed as YOUR INTOLERANCE allows.

See how that works in this fucked-up FailedThoughtSchool?

Express yourselves. Period.

Why are YOU censored while some dumbass with a silly complaint is being scrutinized for what they did with their flippin' penis? or if they used 'performance-enhancers' to fuck faster or bicycle longer or swim harder or WHATHAVEYOU.

I'm nothing like you. Nothing at all. I have PROVEN you are INSANE by YOUR OWN STANDARDS.

See how fucked-up this system is NOW???

And I'm right. You know it and I know it.


The UniversalTheorem is the ONLY SOLUTION. It is TheSolutionToAllThings.

No shit.

I did that.

Nobody can steal it. Nobody should be censored from it.

And it's ONE key of MANY.


WTF part of THAT don't you GET?



AllOfUS -- AllOfYou -- we are in it TOGETHER. PERIOD.





WTF part of the above don't you get?

I'm sorry to burst your reality. I'm sorry to be the one to break your heart. It killed me -- or something -- something weird. It obviously WAS NOT death because death is PERMANENT.

It was awful and you don't have to solve the UniversalTheorem by invalidating ThoughtSchools.

Don't go there -- I did it so you don't have to.

So, since I PROVED your FailedThoughtSchool is SATAN's creation -- according to YOUR SYSTEM OF RELIGIONS --

You must be WHERE?

Oh, that's right: HELL.

I PROVED it. Face it -- you were DECEIVED.


WTF part of THAT don't you get?

Humanity cannot surive LONG ENOUGH with the RESOURCES WE HAVE to SURVIVE. PERIOD.

WTF part of THAT don't you get?

We are rumming out of EVERYTHING and recycling doesn't even come close to reclaiming much of ANY of our WASTE. Our ENERGY is MAXED-0UT. YOUR ELECTRICITY WELL NEVER GET CHEAPER.

AIRCRAFT will NEVER stop consuming fuel. And NEW ONES are being made minute by minute.

And we NEED these aircraft/crews/maintenance/baggage-handlers/security/ticket-agents/cab-drivers/street-sweepers/prostitutes/motels/hotels/liquor-stores/video-arcades/discos/technobarsandhandlebars ... moustaches, that is. Texas style. (clever, huh?)

Anyway *wink*

-- anyway we need MORE of EVERYTHING unless you want to SACRIFICE BILLIONS.

-- of lives.

WTF part of THAT don't you get?

The 'survivors' get the remaining resources and the 'chattle' get slaughtered. Meanwhile, the world's TREASURE was SQUIRRELED away in a HOLE.

You KNOW it and I KNOW it.

WTF part of THAT don't you get?

EndTimesConspiracy is using RELIGION as the TOOL of the DECEPTION.

We can't FEED the people we HAVE because the WASTE is being squandered. How's it feel to feed the world's poor with shit?


The UniversalTheorem invalidates the bullshit and returns REALITY to the important and vital role of NURTURE.

And get this -- I'm pissed off because you're INTOLERANCE is CENSORING me from your ILLUSION of 'EQUALITY.'

Fuck-you very much.

This is NO game -- no 'movement' -- no 'conspiracy' (you live in the mnother of all conspiracies) -- and I am attempting to undermine government or authority in any manner. I proving, once and for all, that we have LOST TRACK of PURPOSE and DIGNITY and we need to REEVALUATE AllThings/AllOfUs/AllOfYou/EQUALLY.

We need EVERYBODY. That's includes our loved ones in our apartment buildings and office buildings and post-offices and fire-departments and emergency-shelters and music halls AND CHURCHES and CONGRESS (like there's a flippin' difference!) and bars and adult-book-stores and all-night-parties and MORE of EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE SHIT YOU HATE.

You know it and I know it unless you're gonna put 'em in a fucking gas-chamber and pull the switch YOURSELF.

We've got limited time as a SPECIES on this WaterWorld.

Fresh water is sea-water boiled up under the dirt.

Evaporated into the air.

Puked up or whathaveyou -- it's RECYCLED into what you DRINK. EVEN PISS. EVEN PLUTONIUM.

Even Fluoxitine and MTBE.

It's EVERYWHERE or ON IT'S WAY. Just like other toxins -- there's THOUSANDS.

We need to LIFT the water.

Our beloved cities/treasures are going to DROWN.

We need ENERGY.



The MannaMachine's GOD-Unit is already doing it by itself -- and it's breaking down.

The atmosphere is filled with crap and getting worse.

Why do I say 'manna-machine' and 'god-unit' and all these weird words?


I had to create MORE language in order to express the UniversalTheorem.

We need to FIX the language. AllOfThem. FULL_BABBALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS.

Nothing religious about it. TRUTH. I PROVED IT.

All our words are self-promoting of the FailedNegativePositiveThoughtSchool.

Religion is self-expressed in All Of Our WORDS.


In order to 'conceptualize' the UniversalTheorem you have to LITERALLY THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.

Because that BOX -- which was Pandora's, btw -- is IMPOSSIBLE to escape.

Until NOW!

wtf PART OF that DON'T you get?

You CANNOT prove the opposite of this logic. This logic has NO REBUTTAL.

I have proven your REBUTTALS to be INVALID because your logic is fucked-up.

Truth doesn't hurt -- it's the deception that hurts.

Don't blame me. I grew up here too.

Planet Earth: HELL is ILLUSION and WE'RE IN IT.

I found the KEYS!!!

You've been deceived -- and if you want to stay in your FailedThoughtSchoolOfNegativePositiveBullshit, then you can 'conceptualize' 'heaven' as the pathway from which my first KEY unlocks Hell's GATE. Get it?

Weird, huh?

But I PROVED it -- see, that's what makes it so fucking weird.

So, that analogy is VALID. ALWAYS_TRUE.

But if you do NOT want to 'conceptualize' within the BOX, you can VISUALIZE peace on earth. Literally. Where 'sci-fi' is REALITY and we FEED_The_Stars. Starting at HOME and building MORE before we CONSUME what's under AllOfUs/AllofYou. We need to LIFT the WATER ABOVE the PLANET and BEYOND.


It's THAT important. Time is of the ESSENCE.

Step away from your buttons of hostility, no matter their size shape or color --


There is a BETTER way and I found the SOLUTION.


ListenUp: You're SAVED. (that was a religious derogatory joke - I have humor too).

The UniversalTheorem is NO joke/hoax/prank/spoof/lie/concoction/promotion/mindphuk/marketing-scheme/religion/politicalplatform/advisorycommittee/boycott/stopworkorder/ or anything like that.

Wtf part of THAT don't you get?

I don't know why an AverageAmerican solved it --

But I did -- and I PROVED it -- and I think it's too important to go off and SQUIRREL AWAY BY CENSORING YOU FROM THE MESSAGE.

It doesn't mattter how poor my grammar is -- it's not about grammar -- it doesn't matter what INTOLERANT BULLSHIT you INVENT to CENSOR my thoughts/words --

I SOLVED AND PROVED the theorem. Period.

CNN Headline News And I - 08262005

Sorry, got hung-up this morning, here's my review:

CNN AND CnnHn has become the 'Lance Armstrong' channel.
Robin and Ray discussing/reporting the same things: all Lance denials, all day long.

Last night on Larry King Live, Larry King asks Lance Armstrong, point-blank, "Have you EVER used an illegal-substance?"
Lance replies, "I have never doped."

Does that sound like honesty to you? Maybe it is -- but it doesn't answer the question, does it? Further, everybody in the world is damned impressed with ANYBODY that wins the Tour de France -- and the amazing accomplishment of Mr. Armstrong, winning 7-times, is the product of legend. My favorite SPORTS are individual competitions, and bicycling is one of the best. I just can't figure out how and why a RETIRED ATHLETE is suddenly plastered all over the news because of some 'allegation' -- there's ALWAYS allegations and it's not like Lance is defending his right to race or anything. The RACE is OVER, after all.

I guess ALLEGATIONS and defending against such things are far MORE IMPORTANT than starving kids, occupying armies, scandalous politics, hatemongering religious-folk, or, the UniversalTheorem.

Is it a SETUP? The 'proof' of 'american-cheating' being COVERED-UP? The seeds of HATRED being planted in our minds to HATE FRANCE, and, over there the French are being trained for HATING 'AMEERICANS?' Works both ways -- and instead of talking about how to FIX ANYTHING, we're squabbling over Lance's piss-tests. Perverts.

Witch-hunt, indeed. Ray said it perfectly, quoting Lance. SMEAR, SMEAR, and SMEAR some more.

Thank you, Lance, for your sportsmanship. I really don't care what you MAY HAVE done to NURTURE your body to top-performance. Whatever it is, I'd sure wish you'd SHARE. I want to win the Tour de France, too!

But now I can't get it out of my head that flag-waving, gas-stealing, rumor/hatemongering 'americans' cheat to 'win,' which isn't 'winning' at all, eh?

"Have you EVER used an illegal-substance?"
"I have never doped."

Am I contradicting myself? On one hand, I love Lance and his accomplishments. On the other hand, I am suspicious of his accomplishments, NOW. And on the 'third' hand, I'm wondering if the 'suspiciousness' is nothing more than a 'witch-hunt'; AND, on yet a 'fourth' hand, I'm thinking there should be RACES for those who use performance-enhancing-substances/products, and those who do not. And did I mention that NewsServices are all a 'family' of bickering/contradictory messaging, pitting one group against another? Don't blame the good people donating their lives to NURTURING your minds -- they just work there.

Most important message of all in this 'story' : made-up 'news' to rumor/hatemonger against France, USING Lance as a sacrificial lamb.


Katrina: 3-deaths blamed on 'Act-of-God' -- damned genocidal/mass-murdering fuck-up.

Susan Kandioti(sp?) reported from South Florida on the storm's aftermath/damage. It's terrible. She worded the Affects (not 'effects') correctly, and I'm proud of her: "all the things we try and tell people not to do resulted in the deaths of 4 people." Not the usual, "Killer Act-of-God mass-murders citizens" (exaggeration, but you get the point). So, thank you Susan, for bringing COMMUNICATION to the forefront, where it SHOULD BE.

So, how to communicate when the storm takes out power-lines? How to WARN people when their next step could very well result in their DEATH? Simple: UniversalTheorem. So, why isn't it being covered?


Rolling blackouts -- apparently, 'energy officials' took it upon themselves to pre-select 500,000 customers for energy-cutoffs during the day. I wonder about the 500,001-600,000 customers and why they were not pre-selected for discriminatory energy service?

Are you following? My point is that it was a DECISION to cut services to a selected FEW.


Paris fire -- terrible tragedy. WHAT ARE YOUR NEEDS FRANCE???? 17-people killed; 30 injured; 200-rescue personnel risking life/limb. WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU???

Oh, that's right, bitch about those 'damned French and their smearing of Lance's Tour de France win."


DC-Sniper hunger-strike. Hear about it? This guy stopped eating and 'officials' want to insert tubes into his body to keep him ALIVE merely to put him to DEATH. WTF? I can't get 'Terry Schiavo' out of my head now!


GM Employee price promotional discounts extended; sounds like product promotion to me. Do we need another COMMERICAL/ADVERTISEMENT/NEWSBROADCAST all rolled into one? WTF? This is why I turned the TV on? To watch 'commercials' as 'news' and 'news' as 'commercials?' Same thing with the 'entertainment report,' as far as I'm concerned. HOWEVER, having tiny snippets of ManyThings is interesting. But there is a very fuzzy-line between ADVERTISEMENTS and NEWS these days.

And that 'story' word -- are we telling stories or reporting the flippin' news?!


Rally Caparas, Air Traffic Expert, reports on the SkyWays (passenger-flights). This is important stuff and the format is all screwey by no fault of Rally's at all. Who writes the format for CNNHN anyway? Why isn't Rally's opinions expressed in controlling/IMPROVING air-traffic? He's given about 10-seconds to tell you what you already know: your flight is DELAYED or not. Why isn't he given another 30-seconds to tell us HOW to FIX it?


CIA dir Porter Goss reports again on 'intelligence failures.' Same crap, different day: BLAME, BLAME, BLAME and OBFUSCATE.


Dollars & Sense: Viox -- MediCal fraud -- oil stock --
Carrie had a good segment today but I was typing the above and missed the facts. Sorry, Carrie. There is an interesting OBSERVATION that I made during this broadcast, however: gas-price comparisons have been SUSPENDED. No more pic's of gas-prices at the pump from city to city. Gas prices change minute-by-minute, and YOU are NOT ALLOWED to know about it as it's been pre-approved for censorship, just like me.


What happened to the Entertainment Section?
What happened to Kendis? What happened to Shannon?

Today's movie-promotionals were all 'thumbs-down' toward the couple/few movies they reviewed. One quoted review from a newspaper said, "Too grim and not Grimm enough ..." -- which made me laugh (are you familiar with Grimm's Fairy Tales? They're AWFUL! Horror-stories, every one of them.) Anyway, that quote, "Too grim and not Grimm enough," is a slam against a movie in the 'horror-type' genre of movies. Very, very clever -- and I love clever.

Anyway, we have all, errrr, uhhhhh, 'negative' reviews on the 'entertainment-movie-review' segment of the broadcast today. Makes me WONDER if it's a competing ENTERPRISE? After all, CNN is part of a media-empire in competition with a few other media-empires, all producing their own movies and 'entertainment' reports. Why give a 'thumbs-up' to the 'competition,' eh?


Smoking monkey
Interesting story about a chimpanzee in a zoo somewhere (China?) that started smoking by watching visitors and picking up their discarded smokes (cigarette 'butts'). The monkey has been smoking for 15 years. According to the report, the monkey's Mate died and the smoker's smoking has increased, worrying zoo officials who are attempting to substitute cigarettes with (milk?) -- something.

Anyway, the weather-guy, Ray, does a short stand-up-comedy routine associating drunken-behaviors and violence with this chimpanzee. I laughed. It was funny. He's a bright and funny guy. No complaints there.

But I worry about such things -- because now, in many viewers' minds, there is NO DOUBT an association between smoking/alcohol/violence/anger. Many people use all of those substances without EVER being involved in either violence or even anger. Don't get me wrong, I'm not lambasting the weather-guy, nor CNNHN for a very good report and commentary; I'm just pointing out the CONCERNS -- in all their multi-dimensional REALITIES -- that we face today as a society, here and abroad.

And no, I'm not suggesting the report was 'derogatory' to monkeys, smokers, drinkers or anything else; however, since I mentioned it (guffaw!), according to our ridiculous double-standard society, that's exactly what it is, isn't it? Ha!


Thank you, CNN Headline News -- and all those involved with bringing it to my HOME -- for nurturing my internal database this morning. *wave* I love these guys -- I really do -- but I'm still wondering where the hell Kendis is? No black-people on CNNHN -- coincidence?


See? We need to FIX the weather. We CAN DO THAT! How? UniversalTheorem! Why in HELL isn't that the number-one news item? Are there people in the world so insensitive and filled with niavette' that they actually think an "all-powerful, perfect 'god'" is a mass-murderer? Get real! Your 'ILLUSION' of the world is HELL, but REALITY is your 'heaven.'

Our nurture-machine is BROKEN. We MUST fix it. How? Simple! UniversalTheorem. Why is it being censored?

Global peace: pre-approved for censorship in HELL. And where EXACTLY do YOU live?

We ARE the manna-machine, the planet, the 'resources' and everything in it/on it, including YOU. And we need to return to nurturing the universe before it starves to death.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

CNN HeadlineNews and I -- 08252005

Today on CNNHN: 08252005

CareyLee reported on a Northwest Airlines 'worker-slowdown/strike/rebellion' where the company had informed the news agency about two tires on an airliner that had been, apparently, sabotauged. I find this very troubling. First off, the mechanics involved in the complaints, may not be bad-guys at all. Secondly, the damaged tires, very expensive tires mind you, may not be related to this 'complaint' in any form.

We really don't know, do we? I can hear it now -- the complaining employees, trying to say something IMPORTANT, being blamed by someone for something they had nothing to do with. SETUP.

Or, MAYBE NOT! I don't know -- just speculating here. Perhaps some highly-vindictive ASS in management or even floor-maintenance, took this 'opportunity' to stir up some shit? Or, MAYBE a disgruntled employee is really that PISSED-OFF?!

Sounds pretty damned serious no matter how you look at it. So, what to do now? Anybody with access to that aircraft is now a SUSPECT -- including SECURITY PERSONNEL -- MANAGEMENT -- EVERYBODY/ANYBODY. The question remains: why in HELL did it go THIS FAR? What form of bad 'people-relations' is going on over there? I doubt it's 'company-wide' -- more like a 'regional-issue.' Whomever sabotouged those PARTS is HURTING the WHOLE, people too.

This is indeed a MONEY MATTER -- the segment name on the CNNHN broadcast. I wonder why the segment is given such a short 'time-frame?' This is IMPORTANT STUFF! At the BOTTOM_LINE of all business, are the people DOING IT.


Lance Armstrong is being reviewed in the LaMonde (French NewsService) for a 1999 medical procedure where some type of red-blood-cell-enhancing drug was apparently used. So, I'm wondering if this is really an attempt to smear a CHAMPION over some crap that happened SIX YEARS AGO -- OR -- should this past 'doping' (or whatever) disqualify the ATHLETE forevermore?


Walter Reed Hospital closing? Base-closings/re-orgs/expansions making the news. But closing hospitals? Why not DONATE and UPGRADE and MAINTAIN a wonderful facility for HUMAN EDUCATION AND OUTREACH, instead of treating DU-irradiated 'heroes' and amputees? Wouldn't it be nice to walk into a 'formerly-named-hospital' and enter a facility of LIFE and NURTURE where people were HEALED and making the beautiful music of LIVING? It would be much CHEAPER than making more DU-irradiated service-folk, amputees and whatnot, dontchya' think?


Cindy Sheehan back in the news demonstrating LIFE, LIBERTY, FREEDOM and being all about ProPeace. Why isn't she on 24/7? Meanwhile, a group of INTOLERANT-KILLER-SUPPORTERS is forming to enact their own version of 'GenocideOfDissent' by MOBALIZING against the ProPeaceCamp in an obvious attempt at CONFRONTATION.

Here's what one ProDeath person had to say: "It's outrageous that a mother would protest her son's death -- completely way-off-base."

Does that sound INTELLIGENT to YOU? WTF?!

Meanwhile, this group of ProDeathPatriots, whom thrive on CONFRONTATION and INTIMIDATION are ON THEIR WAY to a ProPeaceCamp. Now, I ask YOU: why? Does this sound like a SAFE-ENVIRONMENT to be in? More like an extension of the ReignOfTerror, dontchya' think?

If I were a ProPeaceDemonstrator and the ArmyOfDeath was on it's way, I'd pack up and leave, and keep a 'mole' around to record/video the message of the ProDeathPatriots -- vandalizing and destroying the FreeExpressionDisplaysOfPeace left behind by the people that care about LIFE. Don't stick around -- the ProDeathPatriots want to kick your ass -- bullying and terrorizing fellow citizens/humans/'christians'/PEOPLE is what ProDeath is all about -- why play into that?

I hope CNN is there! We're counting on YOU, CNN! Let's see how true 'Patriots' behave, eh? We already know they wave their flags while stealing gas and starting fights on the baseball-diamond, so let's see 'em in action at the foot of Bush's driveway.


Ray on Sports:
Cardinals vs Pirates: gee, looks like fun -- NOT! -- glad I'm not involved in that; those tickets should be refunded. The other baseball segments shown were examples of incredible sportsmanship -- always exillerating -- and I'm no 'sports-fan' -- just a casual-parttime-observer.


So, Robin Meade did a fine segment/half-hour/whatever. On one camera angle, she was standing next to the desk and I was totally amazed at what a hot body she has -- just cute all over. Is that why I watch CNNHN? Hmmmmmmmm ... honesty .... honesty .... honesty ... obviously NOT, because I watch it for a few minutes here and there throughout the day on OFFTIME -- sometimes it drones on and on in the background and I don't even look at it or hear it at all. If she were naked I'd probably watch more -- honestly -- but it's not about her body, is it? It's not about the clothes she wears, is it? It's not about what she looks like at all, the job is so important -- sharing, nurturing the mind with important information.

Okay, guess it's a 'crush.' Smiles. :) Never had a fantasy about her though, so don't get weird on me -- I'm just delighted with her in many ways. It's that simple. And the invitation to chat is always OPEN -- the hiking trails and campfires are calling. *wave* Got a family? Bring 'em -- how fun -- and do I have a story to tell YOU! (Yes, I behave myself, even around kids).


So, I ignored/missed a bit on the broadcast this morning. Oh well -- I must have been dazzled by beauty -- or overly concerned with JustFolks getting SETUP for future ScrewOvers by 'ProDeath' attitudes.


Other topics covered: Spokane's mayor, Jim West, and the (WaState?)-Supremes decision to ALLOW the HateMongering to continue against him -- instead of fixing potholes! -- thus PROVING the cities INTOLERANCE of DIVERSITY. I guess the guy has a penis. Imagine that. And the perverts want to know AllAboutIt -- so focused on his crotch that making the city BETTER and running SMOOTHLY is deemed 'irrelevent collateral damage.' It's disgusting.


There's a storm brewing off the Florida coastline. When isn't there? Meanwhile, oil/gas prices spiked -- as if the storm ALREADY HAPPENED and DESTROYED EVERYTHING IN IT'S PATH. It's ridiculous. The WeatherGuy -- hmmmm -- what's his name? -- uhhhhh ... errrrr ... shit ... can't remember -- yesterday I called him 'Ray', but that's the SportsGuy -- so, hmmmmm ... well, he knows who he is, right? -- anyway, he's one of the best -- yesterday his mom came to visit! It was great -- anyway, he's capable of turning weather-issues into HumanEvents that warms the heart.

And just then, at that moment, I switched over to LinkTV and saw a report on the flooding along the Danube -- and in Romania -- that entire geological depression filled with water -- ruining people's homes and businesses -- and I'm wondering why Ray on CNNHN isn't given enough time to cover more of this TragedyInProgress?

We can fix it -- you know? -- the water needs be moved around -- and floods can be prevented -- with better flood-control measures. Robin reported on an IceCapMelt that could open a passage from Japan to Europe within 10 years. Did YOU know that? Do you have any idea how important that is? First off, it would reduce shipping costs/times dramatically. Meanwhile, cities, our most beloved treasures of all Humanity, will suffer. We've got 10-YEARS to fix it. How? Simple. Will it be difficult? Sure. But it's not impossible and will cost much less than the tragic consequences of flooded and destroyed cities, not to mention WAR.

Was the ice-melt SUDDEN? Only one way that could have happened: nukes. Was it happenning all along and nobody NOTICED? Perhaps somebody did and instead of being LISTENED to, they're message was written off as 'irrelevent collateral damage' because the MESSENGER uses his/her crotch -- or, at one time, had a PRIVATE_MEDICAL_CONDITION -- maybe a private-medical-condition that was misdiagnosed? -- or didn't have the 'proper' paperwork to be 'credentialed' in giving out MESSAGES so their MESSAGE was CENSORED?

DOOM on all fronts -- only ONE SOLUTION -- UniversalTheorem -- who ya' gonna call? -- GhostBusters? -- how's that WORKING FOR YOU?!

(critique/type time: 1-hour, give or take 10-minutes -- so now I'm oing 'OnTime' -- oh wait! -- always have been. :) ).

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

08242005 - CNNHeadlineNews and I

What I Saw On CNNHeadlineNews This Morning: 08242005

Penn Julette (sp?) talked about a movie called the 'Aristocrats' that I've never heard of, claiming, "freedom of speech is doing well in America."

WTF? If that were the case, I'd see this previously-unheard-of-flick on TV, eh? Instead, one of the largest theatre chains in the UnitedStates has BANNED it due to -- you guessed it -- CENSORSHIP OF WORDS.

"Sticks and Stones can break your bones but words can KILL YOU!"

Thanks for clarifying that, CNNHN. Had it not been for you guys, "Robin & Company," I'd have bet real money on sticks/stones being more lethal. Phew! Close call! CNNHN saved all of our lives today, thanks to Penn Julette. Heroes -- one and all.


Cindy Sheehan was back on the news after a worrying time with her mom. Apparently, there is an entire movement underway lambasting Cindy for all the world's 'iraq-troubles.' An 'Anti-Cindy-Brigade' that is consuming vast quantities of FUEL in order to deliver their message of INTOLERANCE to the FEW at the expense of the MANY, claiming, "Killing is Good, and Cindy isn't!" I'm sure glad that's been clarified -- phew! -- close call! -- and here I was under the delusion that 'Iraqi-Terrorists' were shooting up neighborhoods and stealing GAS! Oh wait! They ARE! Go figure.


Gas prices were discussed this morning also -- mostly DRIVE_BY_ROBBERS, which is costing some retailers upwards of $800.00 a month. TRUE_AMERICANS, one and all, flags waving from their antennae as they claim SUPERIORITY_ABOVE_AllThings.

Here's the catch: someone attempting to GET_TO_WORK or ESCAPE_HELL or GET_LAID can't afford to do those 'exclusively-americanized-dream' functions. What to do? Gee, steal gas, I guess. So those 'do-gooder' LawFakers then suspend their licenses.

Do you see the 'catch?' Next on the agenda is the person driving UNLICENSED and losing their CAR while enroute to DAYCARE or WORK. WTF?

So, all you LawFakers -- how's that working for you? AnyThing SOLVED yet?


Robin turns to the camera and thanks Ray for his report, saying, "Thank you, my dear," as she turns to the cameras to report on a different topic.

Hmmmm ... according to the RulesOfHell, Robin just 'sexually-harrassed' Ray on-the-air.

Well, I suggest a short SUSPENSION_WITH_PAY to come over here and pick huckleberries with me. *smile*


WhereTF is Kendis?

Are 'black-folk' unwannted on CNNHN or what? Inquiring-minds want to know. Or, maybe it's 'gayish-sounding/mannered-folk?' Or, maybe Kendis is too 'striaght?' Or, maybe it's something ELSE?


That 'money-matters' woman is one of the prettiest faces on TV. I wonder why I yelled at her once? Jelousy? Who knows -- just 'caught-up' in the RulesOfHell where we/me/everybody snipes at AllThings for AnyReason. Carey Lee? Can't recall the spelling of her name at the moment. It makes me wonder about money-matters -- and I'm thinking that what matters MOST is how to make MORE of it -- for ALL -- and that's how important Carey's job is. That should never be UNDERVALUED.


The most ridiculous report this morning? Well, it seems there are parents OFFENDED by the statements/slogans on their kids' TOMBSTONES after their kids were killed in Iraq/Afghanistan and 'returned' HOME in pieces.

Nevermind the fact that they are NOT offended by their childs' NAMES on the TOMBSTONE -- ignore that alltogether -- just fixate on a WORD.

Phew! If it were not for CNNHN, I'd have thought for certain that people feared/despised war -- instead, I'm reminded daily that 'war is peace' and getting the spelling/slogans 'right' on TOMBSTONES is far more important than LIFE. Glad my 'priorities' have been reorganized. Remind me to check with Ken Julette about which WORDS are lethal before doing my 'american-part' by stealing gas, flags waving, and cheering for all those 'friendly' flying bullets in the world. Now we know: it's not the bullets/fragmentation that kills -- it's the WORDS printed on them.


Oh, and the 'security-measures' that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars just to START -- somewhere backEast -- NewYork? -- Jersey? -- wherever -- something about trains -- a 'necessity' because of all those 'flag-waving-terrorists' that are stealing gas and killing with WORDS. The question remains: "How do you screen for 'bad' WORDS?"

Maybe we need a WordChecker before taking the train, eh? Better yet, close the train and fuck the commute. That way, no need for 'security' at all. Makes sense, huh? Think of all the WORDS that will be SAVED!


All facesciousness aside, I saw President Bush wave this morning -- kindofa 'above-below-beyond-hello' with a slight BOUNCE in his step. Did he GetTheMessage at long last? AllOfUs/AllOfYou need to turn away from our INTOLERANCES/HATREDS -- me included -- and love this man -- not for the killings -- not for the lies -- not for the deceptions -- not for the censorships -- but because we NEED his LEADERSHIP more than EVER. He HasTheCredibility (platform), regardless of INTEGRITY_LEVEL -- which comes from WeThePeople -- and in the loudest voice of all, he can UNITE instead of DIVIDE. I gave him the KEY -- who EXACTLY is he representing? How many? What CRITERIA is being used for his version of 'unconditional-love?'

And if YOU think that's my own personal 'delusion-of-grandeure,' think again.

I am the MOST outspoken critic -- CENSORED from AllOfYou/AllOfUs -- and I do NOT support ANY President/King/Ruler that ignores critics and complaints while participating in GenocideOfDissent via CENSORSHIP. FreedomOfSpeech is DEAD. Sure, you can shout at the top of your lungs but you'll never be given a microphone, nor stage, nor medium in which to STOP_DEATH -- only promote it. Does that sound like HELL to you?

Yup. Sure does.

-- and sixty-seconds a day is devoted to Cindy's words of PEACE, followed by ten-times-as-much 'AntiCindyHatreds.'

Life in HELL is horrible. Ready to leave yet?


And I'm wondering, amazed and dazed and hurt, why it is that the friendliest, most loving, most beneficial message EVER is still not OnTheNews. Where's my 'sixty-seconds' to promote PEACE? Why isn't my SOLUTION being heard at all?

How many will steal my theorem and claim false-ownership, thus exercising their HATRED of FAIRNESS and TRUTH? How many will twist the theorem into a new 'religion' or new 'inspiration' or new 'philosophical-bullshit-study' or new 'self-aggrandizing-message-of-superiority?'

The first person that repeats any portion of my theorem without my involvement/consent/encouragement/permission/whathaveyou, is a TerroristOfTruth, a PERVERT of LIBERTY, FREEDOM and the antithesis of HumanRights. These TerroristsOfNurture are NOT helping -- thieves they are -- and there will be no more KEYS and no SYMBOLS at all from me until this is rectified.

Selfish? You've got to be fucking kidding me! Had I spent years attempting copyrites/trademarks/publishing/contracts, etc., the Earth would have split wide open. Had I attempted to 'SellMyIdeas' instead of freely share them with the world, where would we be TODAY? Had I gone to 'authorities' with my symbols, nobody would have EVER heard the message at all, until it was turned into another weapon to kill, that is.

And this small rant ain't over yet! Know why? Because now I have to rant against myself and pretend that I do not have feelings or that I'm just looking for 'attention' AND all the other bullshit that keeps reverberating through the ether from the INTOLERANT.

Funny that -- ashamed people blame ME -- go on and do it -- I'd rather you be ASHAMED/HATEFUL/INTOLERANT of me than divide yourselves further.

I am insignificant -- with a very significant contribution -- and the PowersThatBe want me and my contribution to just 'vanish.' "DeathToWords! DeathToDissent! DeathToFreedom!"

Guess which parts of my WORDS will be used against YOU from here on out by these 'powersthatbe?' The twisted-theorem-version' will use WORDS and WEAPONS, and 'wordsAsweapons' to KILL.

You'll NEVER hear that from me. So, I ask YOU -- AllOfYou/Anybody -- why am I CENSORED?
