Friday, August 26, 2005

CNN Headline News And I - 08262005

Sorry, got hung-up this morning, here's my review:

CNN AND CnnHn has become the 'Lance Armstrong' channel.
Robin and Ray discussing/reporting the same things: all Lance denials, all day long.

Last night on Larry King Live, Larry King asks Lance Armstrong, point-blank, "Have you EVER used an illegal-substance?"
Lance replies, "I have never doped."

Does that sound like honesty to you? Maybe it is -- but it doesn't answer the question, does it? Further, everybody in the world is damned impressed with ANYBODY that wins the Tour de France -- and the amazing accomplishment of Mr. Armstrong, winning 7-times, is the product of legend. My favorite SPORTS are individual competitions, and bicycling is one of the best. I just can't figure out how and why a RETIRED ATHLETE is suddenly plastered all over the news because of some 'allegation' -- there's ALWAYS allegations and it's not like Lance is defending his right to race or anything. The RACE is OVER, after all.

I guess ALLEGATIONS and defending against such things are far MORE IMPORTANT than starving kids, occupying armies, scandalous politics, hatemongering religious-folk, or, the UniversalTheorem.

Is it a SETUP? The 'proof' of 'american-cheating' being COVERED-UP? The seeds of HATRED being planted in our minds to HATE FRANCE, and, over there the French are being trained for HATING 'AMEERICANS?' Works both ways -- and instead of talking about how to FIX ANYTHING, we're squabbling over Lance's piss-tests. Perverts.

Witch-hunt, indeed. Ray said it perfectly, quoting Lance. SMEAR, SMEAR, and SMEAR some more.

Thank you, Lance, for your sportsmanship. I really don't care what you MAY HAVE done to NURTURE your body to top-performance. Whatever it is, I'd sure wish you'd SHARE. I want to win the Tour de France, too!

But now I can't get it out of my head that flag-waving, gas-stealing, rumor/hatemongering 'americans' cheat to 'win,' which isn't 'winning' at all, eh?

"Have you EVER used an illegal-substance?"
"I have never doped."

Am I contradicting myself? On one hand, I love Lance and his accomplishments. On the other hand, I am suspicious of his accomplishments, NOW. And on the 'third' hand, I'm wondering if the 'suspiciousness' is nothing more than a 'witch-hunt'; AND, on yet a 'fourth' hand, I'm thinking there should be RACES for those who use performance-enhancing-substances/products, and those who do not. And did I mention that NewsServices are all a 'family' of bickering/contradictory messaging, pitting one group against another? Don't blame the good people donating their lives to NURTURING your minds -- they just work there.

Most important message of all in this 'story' : made-up 'news' to rumor/hatemonger against France, USING Lance as a sacrificial lamb.


Katrina: 3-deaths blamed on 'Act-of-God' -- damned genocidal/mass-murdering fuck-up.

Susan Kandioti(sp?) reported from South Florida on the storm's aftermath/damage. It's terrible. She worded the Affects (not 'effects') correctly, and I'm proud of her: "all the things we try and tell people not to do resulted in the deaths of 4 people." Not the usual, "Killer Act-of-God mass-murders citizens" (exaggeration, but you get the point). So, thank you Susan, for bringing COMMUNICATION to the forefront, where it SHOULD BE.

So, how to communicate when the storm takes out power-lines? How to WARN people when their next step could very well result in their DEATH? Simple: UniversalTheorem. So, why isn't it being covered?


Rolling blackouts -- apparently, 'energy officials' took it upon themselves to pre-select 500,000 customers for energy-cutoffs during the day. I wonder about the 500,001-600,000 customers and why they were not pre-selected for discriminatory energy service?

Are you following? My point is that it was a DECISION to cut services to a selected FEW.


Paris fire -- terrible tragedy. WHAT ARE YOUR NEEDS FRANCE???? 17-people killed; 30 injured; 200-rescue personnel risking life/limb. WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU???

Oh, that's right, bitch about those 'damned French and their smearing of Lance's Tour de France win."


DC-Sniper hunger-strike. Hear about it? This guy stopped eating and 'officials' want to insert tubes into his body to keep him ALIVE merely to put him to DEATH. WTF? I can't get 'Terry Schiavo' out of my head now!


GM Employee price promotional discounts extended; sounds like product promotion to me. Do we need another COMMERICAL/ADVERTISEMENT/NEWSBROADCAST all rolled into one? WTF? This is why I turned the TV on? To watch 'commercials' as 'news' and 'news' as 'commercials?' Same thing with the 'entertainment report,' as far as I'm concerned. HOWEVER, having tiny snippets of ManyThings is interesting. But there is a very fuzzy-line between ADVERTISEMENTS and NEWS these days.

And that 'story' word -- are we telling stories or reporting the flippin' news?!


Rally Caparas, Air Traffic Expert, reports on the SkyWays (passenger-flights). This is important stuff and the format is all screwey by no fault of Rally's at all. Who writes the format for CNNHN anyway? Why isn't Rally's opinions expressed in controlling/IMPROVING air-traffic? He's given about 10-seconds to tell you what you already know: your flight is DELAYED or not. Why isn't he given another 30-seconds to tell us HOW to FIX it?


CIA dir Porter Goss reports again on 'intelligence failures.' Same crap, different day: BLAME, BLAME, BLAME and OBFUSCATE.


Dollars & Sense: Viox -- MediCal fraud -- oil stock --
Carrie had a good segment today but I was typing the above and missed the facts. Sorry, Carrie. There is an interesting OBSERVATION that I made during this broadcast, however: gas-price comparisons have been SUSPENDED. No more pic's of gas-prices at the pump from city to city. Gas prices change minute-by-minute, and YOU are NOT ALLOWED to know about it as it's been pre-approved for censorship, just like me.


What happened to the Entertainment Section?
What happened to Kendis? What happened to Shannon?

Today's movie-promotionals were all 'thumbs-down' toward the couple/few movies they reviewed. One quoted review from a newspaper said, "Too grim and not Grimm enough ..." -- which made me laugh (are you familiar with Grimm's Fairy Tales? They're AWFUL! Horror-stories, every one of them.) Anyway, that quote, "Too grim and not Grimm enough," is a slam against a movie in the 'horror-type' genre of movies. Very, very clever -- and I love clever.

Anyway, we have all, errrr, uhhhhh, 'negative' reviews on the 'entertainment-movie-review' segment of the broadcast today. Makes me WONDER if it's a competing ENTERPRISE? After all, CNN is part of a media-empire in competition with a few other media-empires, all producing their own movies and 'entertainment' reports. Why give a 'thumbs-up' to the 'competition,' eh?


Smoking monkey
Interesting story about a chimpanzee in a zoo somewhere (China?) that started smoking by watching visitors and picking up their discarded smokes (cigarette 'butts'). The monkey has been smoking for 15 years. According to the report, the monkey's Mate died and the smoker's smoking has increased, worrying zoo officials who are attempting to substitute cigarettes with (milk?) -- something.

Anyway, the weather-guy, Ray, does a short stand-up-comedy routine associating drunken-behaviors and violence with this chimpanzee. I laughed. It was funny. He's a bright and funny guy. No complaints there.

But I worry about such things -- because now, in many viewers' minds, there is NO DOUBT an association between smoking/alcohol/violence/anger. Many people use all of those substances without EVER being involved in either violence or even anger. Don't get me wrong, I'm not lambasting the weather-guy, nor CNNHN for a very good report and commentary; I'm just pointing out the CONCERNS -- in all their multi-dimensional REALITIES -- that we face today as a society, here and abroad.

And no, I'm not suggesting the report was 'derogatory' to monkeys, smokers, drinkers or anything else; however, since I mentioned it (guffaw!), according to our ridiculous double-standard society, that's exactly what it is, isn't it? Ha!


Thank you, CNN Headline News -- and all those involved with bringing it to my HOME -- for nurturing my internal database this morning. *wave* I love these guys -- I really do -- but I'm still wondering where the hell Kendis is? No black-people on CNNHN -- coincidence?


See? We need to FIX the weather. We CAN DO THAT! How? UniversalTheorem! Why in HELL isn't that the number-one news item? Are there people in the world so insensitive and filled with niavette' that they actually think an "all-powerful, perfect 'god'" is a mass-murderer? Get real! Your 'ILLUSION' of the world is HELL, but REALITY is your 'heaven.'

Our nurture-machine is BROKEN. We MUST fix it. How? Simple! UniversalTheorem. Why is it being censored?

Global peace: pre-approved for censorship in HELL. And where EXACTLY do YOU live?

We ARE the manna-machine, the planet, the 'resources' and everything in it/on it, including YOU. And we need to return to nurturing the universe before it starves to death.


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