Wednesday, August 24, 2005

08242005 - CNNHeadlineNews and I

What I Saw On CNNHeadlineNews This Morning: 08242005

Penn Julette (sp?) talked about a movie called the 'Aristocrats' that I've never heard of, claiming, "freedom of speech is doing well in America."

WTF? If that were the case, I'd see this previously-unheard-of-flick on TV, eh? Instead, one of the largest theatre chains in the UnitedStates has BANNED it due to -- you guessed it -- CENSORSHIP OF WORDS.

"Sticks and Stones can break your bones but words can KILL YOU!"

Thanks for clarifying that, CNNHN. Had it not been for you guys, "Robin & Company," I'd have bet real money on sticks/stones being more lethal. Phew! Close call! CNNHN saved all of our lives today, thanks to Penn Julette. Heroes -- one and all.


Cindy Sheehan was back on the news after a worrying time with her mom. Apparently, there is an entire movement underway lambasting Cindy for all the world's 'iraq-troubles.' An 'Anti-Cindy-Brigade' that is consuming vast quantities of FUEL in order to deliver their message of INTOLERANCE to the FEW at the expense of the MANY, claiming, "Killing is Good, and Cindy isn't!" I'm sure glad that's been clarified -- phew! -- close call! -- and here I was under the delusion that 'Iraqi-Terrorists' were shooting up neighborhoods and stealing GAS! Oh wait! They ARE! Go figure.


Gas prices were discussed this morning also -- mostly DRIVE_BY_ROBBERS, which is costing some retailers upwards of $800.00 a month. TRUE_AMERICANS, one and all, flags waving from their antennae as they claim SUPERIORITY_ABOVE_AllThings.

Here's the catch: someone attempting to GET_TO_WORK or ESCAPE_HELL or GET_LAID can't afford to do those 'exclusively-americanized-dream' functions. What to do? Gee, steal gas, I guess. So those 'do-gooder' LawFakers then suspend their licenses.

Do you see the 'catch?' Next on the agenda is the person driving UNLICENSED and losing their CAR while enroute to DAYCARE or WORK. WTF?

So, all you LawFakers -- how's that working for you? AnyThing SOLVED yet?


Robin turns to the camera and thanks Ray for his report, saying, "Thank you, my dear," as she turns to the cameras to report on a different topic.

Hmmmm ... according to the RulesOfHell, Robin just 'sexually-harrassed' Ray on-the-air.

Well, I suggest a short SUSPENSION_WITH_PAY to come over here and pick huckleberries with me. *smile*


WhereTF is Kendis?

Are 'black-folk' unwannted on CNNHN or what? Inquiring-minds want to know. Or, maybe it's 'gayish-sounding/mannered-folk?' Or, maybe Kendis is too 'striaght?' Or, maybe it's something ELSE?


That 'money-matters' woman is one of the prettiest faces on TV. I wonder why I yelled at her once? Jelousy? Who knows -- just 'caught-up' in the RulesOfHell where we/me/everybody snipes at AllThings for AnyReason. Carey Lee? Can't recall the spelling of her name at the moment. It makes me wonder about money-matters -- and I'm thinking that what matters MOST is how to make MORE of it -- for ALL -- and that's how important Carey's job is. That should never be UNDERVALUED.


The most ridiculous report this morning? Well, it seems there are parents OFFENDED by the statements/slogans on their kids' TOMBSTONES after their kids were killed in Iraq/Afghanistan and 'returned' HOME in pieces.

Nevermind the fact that they are NOT offended by their childs' NAMES on the TOMBSTONE -- ignore that alltogether -- just fixate on a WORD.

Phew! If it were not for CNNHN, I'd have thought for certain that people feared/despised war -- instead, I'm reminded daily that 'war is peace' and getting the spelling/slogans 'right' on TOMBSTONES is far more important than LIFE. Glad my 'priorities' have been reorganized. Remind me to check with Ken Julette about which WORDS are lethal before doing my 'american-part' by stealing gas, flags waving, and cheering for all those 'friendly' flying bullets in the world. Now we know: it's not the bullets/fragmentation that kills -- it's the WORDS printed on them.


Oh, and the 'security-measures' that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars just to START -- somewhere backEast -- NewYork? -- Jersey? -- wherever -- something about trains -- a 'necessity' because of all those 'flag-waving-terrorists' that are stealing gas and killing with WORDS. The question remains: "How do you screen for 'bad' WORDS?"

Maybe we need a WordChecker before taking the train, eh? Better yet, close the train and fuck the commute. That way, no need for 'security' at all. Makes sense, huh? Think of all the WORDS that will be SAVED!


All facesciousness aside, I saw President Bush wave this morning -- kindofa 'above-below-beyond-hello' with a slight BOUNCE in his step. Did he GetTheMessage at long last? AllOfUs/AllOfYou need to turn away from our INTOLERANCES/HATREDS -- me included -- and love this man -- not for the killings -- not for the lies -- not for the deceptions -- not for the censorships -- but because we NEED his LEADERSHIP more than EVER. He HasTheCredibility (platform), regardless of INTEGRITY_LEVEL -- which comes from WeThePeople -- and in the loudest voice of all, he can UNITE instead of DIVIDE. I gave him the KEY -- who EXACTLY is he representing? How many? What CRITERIA is being used for his version of 'unconditional-love?'

And if YOU think that's my own personal 'delusion-of-grandeure,' think again.

I am the MOST outspoken critic -- CENSORED from AllOfYou/AllOfUs -- and I do NOT support ANY President/King/Ruler that ignores critics and complaints while participating in GenocideOfDissent via CENSORSHIP. FreedomOfSpeech is DEAD. Sure, you can shout at the top of your lungs but you'll never be given a microphone, nor stage, nor medium in which to STOP_DEATH -- only promote it. Does that sound like HELL to you?

Yup. Sure does.

-- and sixty-seconds a day is devoted to Cindy's words of PEACE, followed by ten-times-as-much 'AntiCindyHatreds.'

Life in HELL is horrible. Ready to leave yet?


And I'm wondering, amazed and dazed and hurt, why it is that the friendliest, most loving, most beneficial message EVER is still not OnTheNews. Where's my 'sixty-seconds' to promote PEACE? Why isn't my SOLUTION being heard at all?

How many will steal my theorem and claim false-ownership, thus exercising their HATRED of FAIRNESS and TRUTH? How many will twist the theorem into a new 'religion' or new 'inspiration' or new 'philosophical-bullshit-study' or new 'self-aggrandizing-message-of-superiority?'

The first person that repeats any portion of my theorem without my involvement/consent/encouragement/permission/whathaveyou, is a TerroristOfTruth, a PERVERT of LIBERTY, FREEDOM and the antithesis of HumanRights. These TerroristsOfNurture are NOT helping -- thieves they are -- and there will be no more KEYS and no SYMBOLS at all from me until this is rectified.

Selfish? You've got to be fucking kidding me! Had I spent years attempting copyrites/trademarks/publishing/contracts, etc., the Earth would have split wide open. Had I attempted to 'SellMyIdeas' instead of freely share them with the world, where would we be TODAY? Had I gone to 'authorities' with my symbols, nobody would have EVER heard the message at all, until it was turned into another weapon to kill, that is.

And this small rant ain't over yet! Know why? Because now I have to rant against myself and pretend that I do not have feelings or that I'm just looking for 'attention' AND all the other bullshit that keeps reverberating through the ether from the INTOLERANT.

Funny that -- ashamed people blame ME -- go on and do it -- I'd rather you be ASHAMED/HATEFUL/INTOLERANT of me than divide yourselves further.

I am insignificant -- with a very significant contribution -- and the PowersThatBe want me and my contribution to just 'vanish.' "DeathToWords! DeathToDissent! DeathToFreedom!"

Guess which parts of my WORDS will be used against YOU from here on out by these 'powersthatbe?' The twisted-theorem-version' will use WORDS and WEAPONS, and 'wordsAsweapons' to KILL.

You'll NEVER hear that from me. So, I ask YOU -- AllOfYou/Anybody -- why am I CENSORED?



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