Thursday, August 25, 2005

CNN HeadlineNews and I -- 08252005

Today on CNNHN: 08252005

CareyLee reported on a Northwest Airlines 'worker-slowdown/strike/rebellion' where the company had informed the news agency about two tires on an airliner that had been, apparently, sabotauged. I find this very troubling. First off, the mechanics involved in the complaints, may not be bad-guys at all. Secondly, the damaged tires, very expensive tires mind you, may not be related to this 'complaint' in any form.

We really don't know, do we? I can hear it now -- the complaining employees, trying to say something IMPORTANT, being blamed by someone for something they had nothing to do with. SETUP.

Or, MAYBE NOT! I don't know -- just speculating here. Perhaps some highly-vindictive ASS in management or even floor-maintenance, took this 'opportunity' to stir up some shit? Or, MAYBE a disgruntled employee is really that PISSED-OFF?!

Sounds pretty damned serious no matter how you look at it. So, what to do now? Anybody with access to that aircraft is now a SUSPECT -- including SECURITY PERSONNEL -- MANAGEMENT -- EVERYBODY/ANYBODY. The question remains: why in HELL did it go THIS FAR? What form of bad 'people-relations' is going on over there? I doubt it's 'company-wide' -- more like a 'regional-issue.' Whomever sabotouged those PARTS is HURTING the WHOLE, people too.

This is indeed a MONEY MATTER -- the segment name on the CNNHN broadcast. I wonder why the segment is given such a short 'time-frame?' This is IMPORTANT STUFF! At the BOTTOM_LINE of all business, are the people DOING IT.


Lance Armstrong is being reviewed in the LaMonde (French NewsService) for a 1999 medical procedure where some type of red-blood-cell-enhancing drug was apparently used. So, I'm wondering if this is really an attempt to smear a CHAMPION over some crap that happened SIX YEARS AGO -- OR -- should this past 'doping' (or whatever) disqualify the ATHLETE forevermore?


Walter Reed Hospital closing? Base-closings/re-orgs/expansions making the news. But closing hospitals? Why not DONATE and UPGRADE and MAINTAIN a wonderful facility for HUMAN EDUCATION AND OUTREACH, instead of treating DU-irradiated 'heroes' and amputees? Wouldn't it be nice to walk into a 'formerly-named-hospital' and enter a facility of LIFE and NURTURE where people were HEALED and making the beautiful music of LIVING? It would be much CHEAPER than making more DU-irradiated service-folk, amputees and whatnot, dontchya' think?


Cindy Sheehan back in the news demonstrating LIFE, LIBERTY, FREEDOM and being all about ProPeace. Why isn't she on 24/7? Meanwhile, a group of INTOLERANT-KILLER-SUPPORTERS is forming to enact their own version of 'GenocideOfDissent' by MOBALIZING against the ProPeaceCamp in an obvious attempt at CONFRONTATION.

Here's what one ProDeath person had to say: "It's outrageous that a mother would protest her son's death -- completely way-off-base."

Does that sound INTELLIGENT to YOU? WTF?!

Meanwhile, this group of ProDeathPatriots, whom thrive on CONFRONTATION and INTIMIDATION are ON THEIR WAY to a ProPeaceCamp. Now, I ask YOU: why? Does this sound like a SAFE-ENVIRONMENT to be in? More like an extension of the ReignOfTerror, dontchya' think?

If I were a ProPeaceDemonstrator and the ArmyOfDeath was on it's way, I'd pack up and leave, and keep a 'mole' around to record/video the message of the ProDeathPatriots -- vandalizing and destroying the FreeExpressionDisplaysOfPeace left behind by the people that care about LIFE. Don't stick around -- the ProDeathPatriots want to kick your ass -- bullying and terrorizing fellow citizens/humans/'christians'/PEOPLE is what ProDeath is all about -- why play into that?

I hope CNN is there! We're counting on YOU, CNN! Let's see how true 'Patriots' behave, eh? We already know they wave their flags while stealing gas and starting fights on the baseball-diamond, so let's see 'em in action at the foot of Bush's driveway.


Ray on Sports:
Cardinals vs Pirates: gee, looks like fun -- NOT! -- glad I'm not involved in that; those tickets should be refunded. The other baseball segments shown were examples of incredible sportsmanship -- always exillerating -- and I'm no 'sports-fan' -- just a casual-parttime-observer.


So, Robin Meade did a fine segment/half-hour/whatever. On one camera angle, she was standing next to the desk and I was totally amazed at what a hot body she has -- just cute all over. Is that why I watch CNNHN? Hmmmmmmmm ... honesty .... honesty .... honesty ... obviously NOT, because I watch it for a few minutes here and there throughout the day on OFFTIME -- sometimes it drones on and on in the background and I don't even look at it or hear it at all. If she were naked I'd probably watch more -- honestly -- but it's not about her body, is it? It's not about the clothes she wears, is it? It's not about what she looks like at all, the job is so important -- sharing, nurturing the mind with important information.

Okay, guess it's a 'crush.' Smiles. :) Never had a fantasy about her though, so don't get weird on me -- I'm just delighted with her in many ways. It's that simple. And the invitation to chat is always OPEN -- the hiking trails and campfires are calling. *wave* Got a family? Bring 'em -- how fun -- and do I have a story to tell YOU! (Yes, I behave myself, even around kids).


So, I ignored/missed a bit on the broadcast this morning. Oh well -- I must have been dazzled by beauty -- or overly concerned with JustFolks getting SETUP for future ScrewOvers by 'ProDeath' attitudes.


Other topics covered: Spokane's mayor, Jim West, and the (WaState?)-Supremes decision to ALLOW the HateMongering to continue against him -- instead of fixing potholes! -- thus PROVING the cities INTOLERANCE of DIVERSITY. I guess the guy has a penis. Imagine that. And the perverts want to know AllAboutIt -- so focused on his crotch that making the city BETTER and running SMOOTHLY is deemed 'irrelevent collateral damage.' It's disgusting.


There's a storm brewing off the Florida coastline. When isn't there? Meanwhile, oil/gas prices spiked -- as if the storm ALREADY HAPPENED and DESTROYED EVERYTHING IN IT'S PATH. It's ridiculous. The WeatherGuy -- hmmmm -- what's his name? -- uhhhhh ... errrrr ... shit ... can't remember -- yesterday I called him 'Ray', but that's the SportsGuy -- so, hmmmmm ... well, he knows who he is, right? -- anyway, he's one of the best -- yesterday his mom came to visit! It was great -- anyway, he's capable of turning weather-issues into HumanEvents that warms the heart.

And just then, at that moment, I switched over to LinkTV and saw a report on the flooding along the Danube -- and in Romania -- that entire geological depression filled with water -- ruining people's homes and businesses -- and I'm wondering why Ray on CNNHN isn't given enough time to cover more of this TragedyInProgress?

We can fix it -- you know? -- the water needs be moved around -- and floods can be prevented -- with better flood-control measures. Robin reported on an IceCapMelt that could open a passage from Japan to Europe within 10 years. Did YOU know that? Do you have any idea how important that is? First off, it would reduce shipping costs/times dramatically. Meanwhile, cities, our most beloved treasures of all Humanity, will suffer. We've got 10-YEARS to fix it. How? Simple. Will it be difficult? Sure. But it's not impossible and will cost much less than the tragic consequences of flooded and destroyed cities, not to mention WAR.

Was the ice-melt SUDDEN? Only one way that could have happened: nukes. Was it happenning all along and nobody NOTICED? Perhaps somebody did and instead of being LISTENED to, they're message was written off as 'irrelevent collateral damage' because the MESSENGER uses his/her crotch -- or, at one time, had a PRIVATE_MEDICAL_CONDITION -- maybe a private-medical-condition that was misdiagnosed? -- or didn't have the 'proper' paperwork to be 'credentialed' in giving out MESSAGES so their MESSAGE was CENSORED?

DOOM on all fronts -- only ONE SOLUTION -- UniversalTheorem -- who ya' gonna call? -- GhostBusters? -- how's that WORKING FOR YOU?!

(critique/type time: 1-hour, give or take 10-minutes -- so now I'm oing 'OnTime' -- oh wait! -- always have been. :) ).


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